Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reflective Post: Peace Like a River

When Jeremiah Land was shot, I was so confused. I thought for sure it was going to be Davy who died. Then I remembered that Jeremiah is the Christ figure in this book, which is clear through the miracles he does. When he and the kids are staying at Roxanna’s and he is wrestling with God, it reminded me of Jesus in Gethsemane. He wrestled with God over what was coming but in the end he submitted because that is what a Son does for his Father. Jeremiah also submitted to the Father. Jeremiah was practically perfect-if not totally perfect. Jesus was the perfect human. Neither of them deserved to die if you really think about it. Jesus was killed due to false claims and bribery. It was God’s will for him to die but he did not deserve to. Jeremiah did not deserve to die especially not at the hands of Jape Waltzer. This would be like the devil himself killing Jesus instead of the Jews/Romans. When Reuben has his “dream” and he and his father are both about to go to heaven, Jeremiah keeps Reuben from going. He loves his son so much that he is willing to give up everything for him. I mean, he just found the love of his life and they have been married for 3 months but he still dies so that is child can live. It makes me really think about the sacrifice Jesus made. He loves us so much that he died for us and we really do not deserve it. In the end it helps me to understand God’s love for us and the gravity of having his Son die to save us, in a new light. This is definitely something I want to keep in mind as the Easter season quickly approaches. It makes me sad to think that His major sacrifice, His GREATEST act of love for His people, is reduced to the Easter bunny and candy. As Christians, we should be deeply grieved by this and not encouraging it. The father died so his son could have life, and the Father sent the Son to die so that we could have everlasting life. What candy or bunny could do something so selfless or loving?

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