Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Analytic Post- Fire and Ice

Fire is a symbol for passion and desire. Passion and desire are emotions that can overtake a person and can drive them to do things that they would have never done before. They cloud a person’s judgment easily. It is no wonder that Robert Frost believes the world can end in “fire”. People driven by passion and desire will do anything and everything to get what they want. In such a place, no morals exist so anything goes. The mere thought of that brings chaos and terror to my mind. Fire is not the only plausible cause for the destruction of the world; ice is quite possible as well. Ice symbolizes hatred. Hate is a very powerful emotion which causes nothing good. Hate can eat away at a person until they are nothing more then a hollow shell. With the hollow shell of a person walking around, what good can come of them? Hate is an emotion that can be passed on as quickly as the flu or another virus. So, is it not possible that hate can be just as destructive as its counterpart of passion/desire? “I think I know enough of hate to say that for destruction ice is also great…” Hatred destroys people and the people around them. With enough hate, it is logical to think that the world (as we know it) will end. *It is interesting to note that at the time of this poem, scientists were debating whether the world would end by burning from the inside out, due to its firey core, or whether there would be a second ice age that would destroy everything.

Peace Like a River- Creative Post

A letter to Davy Land, Dr. Davy Land, I read about what you did to those two boys in the Minneapolis Star. I think its horrible how you are in jail for protecting your family. I like to think that if two men came into our home in the middle of the night, that my dad or big brother would stop them in their tracks before they could hurt us. I read you have a little sister, Swede? She must be worried about you, being in jail and all, and a little brother too? Reuben? He must think you are a real hero. Were you scared when it happened? What was going through your mind? Protecting your family I bet. I don’t think you will be in jail long. Any jury will see you are innocent and those Finch and Basca characters were up to no good. The word around town is that you are a hunter, what do you like to hunt? My dad and brothers hunt turkey and geese. I help clean them off and prepare them for dinner. What is the town of Roofing like? I have never been. I live in the big city of Minneapolis. I imagine it to be a small farm town with a lot of horses and grand pastures. I love riding horses, they are such majestic creatures. Do you ride? Do you have any horses? I hope to hear back from you Davy, but I want you to know that I am cheering for you. You’re being in jail is a great injustice that must be fixed. Good luck Davy Land. I hope you are out hunting geese, riding horses, and playing with your siblings soon. Yours truly, Kellie Pickler

Monday, March 21, 2011

Creative Post- Barbie Doll

To a Barbie Doll, Dear Barbie Doll, Where do I begin? Do I talk about you’re perfect looks or you’re perfect attitude? Do I start by telling you that you are what little girls aspire to be? Do I tell you that you are what the men of the world want their wives to look and act like? You are a celebrity in every way. Never once is you’re hair not perfect. Never once is you’re make up smudged. Never once do you need to complain of having big fat legs or a big nose. No. You are Barbie. You are perfection. I can’t help but wonder what you are feeling on the inside. What does it feel like to be so perfect Barbie? Other girls have to go around apologizing for how they look but not you. Other girls may be as healthy as they get but what does that matter if they do not look as beautiful and sexy as you? Even the girls who are intelligent come to realize that they will never be much unless they look and act like you. What is your secret Barbie? How can you just smile and act perfect while Ken controls you? How do you act perfect when you do not feel that way? How did you become so perfect? Barbie, will any other girl ever grow to be as perfect as you? Is there any hope? No. I don’t think those girls should even try to be like you Barbie. I think that if they are having a bad hair day, they should smile. If they are told that they are ugly they should tell themselves how beautiful they truly are. Not everyone has to look like you Barbie. Perfection is highly over rated. I think those girls should know that their husbands don’t control them. They are free to act and think as they choose. You see Barbie, we are not like you. We have the power to walk away from the negativity but you will always be in the midst of it. The reason you show no emotions is that you are plastic. That is why you are perfect. Just as you’re creator made you, so did our Creator make us. So thank you Barbie for the fun we had when I was young. Thank you for the lessons you have taught me. I hope you learn to stand up for yourself but if not, at least you will still be perfect.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lanyard- Reflective post

The poem Lanyard is about a man remembering when he made a lanyard for his mother. This is something I can relate to since I used to love doing arts and crafts. I would make pot holders, little vases, beaded animals, necklaces, and so much more for my mom. Even though it was nothing special, my mom loved each of them and a lot of them she still has. In the poem, the man acknowledges all his mother has done for him and compares that to the significance of his lanyard. Mothers have given us so much. They bring us into the world, give us life, teach us to walk, swim, talk, enjoy life, and so much more. They work hard to provide everything for us and even though the lanyard is something small, it is a cherished gift for them. Mothers love when their kids take time and make something for them. It shows that we love them enough to actually think of them. My step mom has so many crafts from when I was younger and now that my sister is 6 she is getting into making things for her and for me as well. Even though I am just her big sister, Abby gets so excited to give me a homework paper she got an A on, or a paper she drew on just for me. It may be small but the meaning behind it is so much more. A small lanyard can not adequately thank my mother for bringing me into this world, but it is enough to show her that I am grateful and I love her.