Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Peace Like a River- Creative Post

A letter to Davy Land, Dr. Davy Land, I read about what you did to those two boys in the Minneapolis Star. I think its horrible how you are in jail for protecting your family. I like to think that if two men came into our home in the middle of the night, that my dad or big brother would stop them in their tracks before they could hurt us. I read you have a little sister, Swede? She must be worried about you, being in jail and all, and a little brother too? Reuben? He must think you are a real hero. Were you scared when it happened? What was going through your mind? Protecting your family I bet. I don’t think you will be in jail long. Any jury will see you are innocent and those Finch and Basca characters were up to no good. The word around town is that you are a hunter, what do you like to hunt? My dad and brothers hunt turkey and geese. I help clean them off and prepare them for dinner. What is the town of Roofing like? I have never been. I live in the big city of Minneapolis. I imagine it to be a small farm town with a lot of horses and grand pastures. I love riding horses, they are such majestic creatures. Do you ride? Do you have any horses? I hope to hear back from you Davy, but I want you to know that I am cheering for you. You’re being in jail is a great injustice that must be fixed. Good luck Davy Land. I hope you are out hunting geese, riding horses, and playing with your siblings soon. Yours truly, Kellie Pickler

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