Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lanyard- Reflective post

The poem Lanyard is about a man remembering when he made a lanyard for his mother. This is something I can relate to since I used to love doing arts and crafts. I would make pot holders, little vases, beaded animals, necklaces, and so much more for my mom. Even though it was nothing special, my mom loved each of them and a lot of them she still has. In the poem, the man acknowledges all his mother has done for him and compares that to the significance of his lanyard. Mothers have given us so much. They bring us into the world, give us life, teach us to walk, swim, talk, enjoy life, and so much more. They work hard to provide everything for us and even though the lanyard is something small, it is a cherished gift for them. Mothers love when their kids take time and make something for them. It shows that we love them enough to actually think of them. My step mom has so many crafts from when I was younger and now that my sister is 6 she is getting into making things for her and for me as well. Even though I am just her big sister, Abby gets so excited to give me a homework paper she got an A on, or a paper she drew on just for me. It may be small but the meaning behind it is so much more. A small lanyard can not adequately thank my mother for bringing me into this world, but it is enough to show her that I am grateful and I love her.

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